Field NameField TypeDescription
sessionIDshort(optional) actions below apply only to the sessionID virtual session; should be zero for non-multiplexed web-socket connections.
SubscribeIDGroupingCode(optional) subscribeD will be reflected back in the corresponding MLinkSubscribeAck message; nothing is assumed about structure of this number
activeLatencyint(optional) number of milliseconds between active send attempts (1 = minimum delay, 0 = wait for SignalReady) [default = 0]
compressionenum(optional) FieldChangesOnly will suppress fields in messages that have not changed since the previous send (resets automatically after every subscription) None=0,FieldChangesOnly=1
doResetenum:YesNoif Yes all current subscriptions will be removed prior to applying the actions below
msgNamemsgTypeNamea SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number)
viewstringlist (subset) of field names to return with this message type (eg. bidprice or askprice or bidsize or asksize)
msgNamemsgTypeNamea SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number)
msgPKeystringan existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format; if missing/empty all active msgName subscriptions will be removed
msgNamemsgTypeNamea SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number)
msgPKeystringan existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format; if missing/empty all active msgName subscriptions will be removed