API Documentation
- Introduction
- Messages
- Authentication
Connection Types
- MLink Websocket API
Data Dictionary
Interactive Playground
- Real Time
- Delayed
Postman for WebSocket
import asyncio
import json
import time
from pycognito import Cognito
from pycognito.exceptions import SoftwareTokenMFAChallengeException
import websockets
import nest_asyncio
import threading
import datetime
uriJson = "wss://mlink-live.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.com/mlink/jsonf"
authentication_key = "ApiKey"
async def send_signal(websocket):
while True:
signal = {
"header": {
"mTyp": "MLinkSignalReady"
"message": {
"sesionID":"", # (optional) subscription sessionID (if missing or -1 will signal all sessionIDs for this websocket connection)
"signalID":"", # (optional) will be reflected back in xCheckPt.signalID fields that indicates that a specified signal ready triggered active send is complete.
"readyScan": "FullScan" #[readyScan:enum:ReadyScan:None=0,Incremental=2,FullScan=3] # (optional; default is Incremental) Incremental = messages w/changes (all fields; cumulative changes) since previous MLinkSignalReady; FullScan = all messages
t = time.time_ns()
tstr = '.'.join([time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(t/1000000000)), "%06d" % ((t/1000)%1000000)])
signal['header']['sTim'] = tstr
signal['header']['encT'] = tstr
smsg = json.dumps(signal)
jmsg = ''.join(['\r\nJ', '%011d' % len(smsg), smsg])
await websocket.send(jmsg)
await asyncio.sleep(20) #send and update every 20 seconds
async def query_mlink(authentication_key):
retry = True
while retry:
async with websockets.connect(uriJson,
extra_headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {authentication_key}"}, ping_timeout=None) as websocket:
# send the first message (msg)
msg = {
"header": {
"mTyp": "MLinkStream"
"message": {
"queryLabel": "ExampleStockNbbo",
"activeLatency": 0, #wait for Signal ready
"msgName": "StockBookQuote",
"where":"ticker:eq:AAPL-NMS-EQT" #can also do ticker.tk:eq:AAPL & ticker.at:eq:EQT & ticker.ts:eq:NMS
t = time.time_ns()
tstr = '.'.join([time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(t/1000000000)), "%06d" % ((t/1000)%1000000)])
msg['header']['sTim'] = tstr
msg['header']['encT'] = tstr
smsg = json.dumps(msg)
jmsg = ''.join(['\r\nJ', '%011d' % len(smsg), smsg])
await websocket.send(jmsg)
# start the loop to send the second message (signal) every 20 seconds
notDone = True
while notDone:
buffer = await websocket.recv()
parts = list(filter(None, buffer.split(b'\r\n')))
for msg in parts:
result = json.loads(msg[12:])
print(result, '\n')
except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError:
print("timeout occurred, retrying...")
if __name__ == "__main__":